Monday, June 8, 2009

Fuel Cell Technology for Future Production

General Motors Corp. is looking to advance its fuel cell ambitions to another level by moving more than 500 fuel cell experts from advanced development laboratories to core engineering functions to prepare this technology for future production.
According to media reports, more than 400 fuel cell engineers are set to report to GM's Powertrain Group to begin production engineering of fuel cell systems.
Another 100 will transfer to GM's Global Product Development organization to begin integrating fuel cells into future company vehicles.
Finally, more than 150 fuel cell scientists and program support will remain as part of GM's Research and Development center to continue advanced research in hydrogen storage, fuel cells and program commercialization.
The move is aimed at speeding up the company's efforts to produce vehicles that displace petroleum through energy diversity.
According to Larry Burns, GM Vice President, Research and Development, "Eight years ago we said that hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle technology could make a major contribution to solving the energy and environmental challenges facing the automobile industry."
The announcement, Burns adds, signals another important milestone as GM moves fuel cell vehicles closer to future production.

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