Saturday, June 6, 2009

2009's Hottest Mobile

Smartphones have always embraced new technology, and in 2009, three particular phones are taking mobile technology to a new high. Let's check out these game-changers.
Toshiba TG01 - unleashing the true power of Windows Mobile :
We start with a phone that really gives Windows Mobile the grunt it needs to run properly: the Toshiba TG01. In terms of outstanding new technologies, what the Toshiba TG01 brings to the party isn't the 4.1 inch display (although that's noteworthy in itself), but what's inside it. The Toshiba TG01 uses a next-gen, dual-core Snapdragon processor, which runs at 1GHz, and that means the Toshiba TG01 is the most powerful phone in existence... which is good, because in terms of other features, a lot of other phones leave the Toshiba TG01 in the dust...

Sony Ericsson Idou - the camera phone, evolved:
It's been included on this list because of two reasons. The first has to be the huge 12 megapixel camera the Sony Ericsson Idou comes equipped with, which arguably makes it the best camera phone ever to be made (so far). The second reason is because the Sony Ericsson Idou is the first handset to have the next incarnation of Symbian Touch, the version that's going to be the Symbian Foundation OS. Imagine the power of Symbian with the sleekness of something like OS-X or the LG S-Class UI, and you get an idea of why the Sony Ericsson Idou is so hotly anticipated.

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