Thursday, August 6, 2009

Performing an EMac Memory Upgrade:

Apple computers are always known as cutting edge and innovative, and this applies just as much to their laptop as their desktop machines. Their self-contained computers known as the “eMac” were also a top of the line device when they first hit the market as well. Many people really liked the streamlined design, but soon understood that they would need to expand or upgrade their Apple eMac memory. This is a relatively easy process to perform, but it first requires that the owner or user understands exactly how an Apple eMac memory upgrade is effectively accomplished.
Like most Apple machines, the eMac computers offer expansion slots into which additional memory modules are inserted. The eMac systems demand the installation of standard DIMM (dual inline memory modules) which are properly formatted and designed to their OEM specifications. The size of the modules is determined by the capacity of the computer itself, and the eMac gives all users a limit or maximum of 1 GB when they opt to do their own Apple eMac RAM upgrade.
All of the eMac models are capable of supporting this maximum amount of memory, but it is important to note that this is the functional memory that allows the machine to operate as efficiently and responsively as possible. If larger storage is required, the owner or user is easily able to take advantage of the three USB ports which can offer additional storage space. For example, the eMac computers could easily write data and files to a free-standing hard drive instead of the factory installed device in order to save space. This, however, does not necessarily have any impact on performance speed.

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